Please contact us for switch wiring

I want to wire the spray booth blow fan switch
The switch picture in the manual is a little different from the actual switch.
In the picture, there is a protruding part in the middle and it is shown to connect there
The actual switch has no protruding part in the middle.
If so, solder the metal part round the center of the switch
Can I do it?
And, can 2p wires only need to be connected with the same color?

-Connect the blue line of the blow fan and the blue line of the power line
-Blow fan brown wire soldered to the round metal part in the center of the back of the switch
-The brown wire of the power cord is screwed or soldered to the leg on the'off' side of the switch.

Is it possible to connect as above?

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Arttystation Profile image


Hello? Arttystation.

Connect the brown wires to both ends of the switch.

Please note that you can connect it like the picture in the link above ^^

Thank you.


Oh, in the picture, it looks like blue is connected to both protrusions of the switch and brown lines are connected to each other, but it doesn't matter if the colors are the same
Arttystation Profile image


Yes, because it is AC, it doesn't matter which color is connected to the switch^^
Thank you.

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